Self-Care for Your Crystals

We humans have a lot in common with crystals. We both share our energy with others and thus, we both need to recharge from time to time.  We both benefit from time spent outside, both under the sun and the moon; most importantly, we both could be cleaned from time to time.  Our basic needs are based on what we’re made of as people; the same is true for crystals.  So...what do I feed my crystals? And how often do I walk them?  

This is a topic that I’ve been diving into, especially because I have been getting really into the moon cycles (below you’ll see how those connect).  Just like we get burnt out when we give too much or overwork, crystals can lose their energy over time.  Crystals give us signs when they’re ready for a reset, such as:

  • Appearing cloudier or smudged

  • Feeling  physically heavier (they hold onto a lot of energy!)  

  • A different energetic feeling when you pick up your crystal- this may mean that the battery is low and needs a charge (not literally, there is no wall plug-in for crystals.).  

There are two steps to the process.  First, we have to clear away the negative energy.  Just like we wash off the dirt and grime at the end of the day, we need to cleanse all the heavy icky stuff off of our crystals.  Then, we charge the crystals, or restock their energy stores (it’s coffee for your crystals!)  There are some cleansing and charging methods that require you to know your stones very well, as their composition could be affected by water, salt, or sunlight.  As a newbie, I was not confident enough to try those yet.  Here are some of the easiest and most fool-proof methods to cleanse and recharge your crystals:

  • Cleanse and recharge with an intention:   Just like affirmations can change our internal state, the same is true for crystals!  While holding or keeping hands over the crystal, set an intention that your crystals be cleansed and reset to their full potential. Repeat the intention until you start to feel the energy return to your crystals.

  • Third Eye Visualization: Visualize a bright white light coming out of your third eye (between your eyebrows) that will cleanse negative energy and recharge your crystals.  Bring your crystals one-by-one to your third eye, waiting to feel the energy return to your crystal.  If you have difficulty visualizing on your own, it may help to listen to a “third eye” guided meditation to get you in the mindset.

  • Smudge them: You can cleanse your crystals using your favorite energy cleanser. White sage is most effective to clear negative energy.  Light your smudger-of-choice, let the flames go out, and pass the crystals through the smoke being emitted.  To recharge, consider any of the other methods listed, like setting an intention after the smudging.

  • Try a moon bath:  Many crystals charge in moonlight,and those that don’t often charge from being around other crystals!  This is particularly powerful during the full moon. Safe for all crystals as long as it isn’t going to rain. If you can’t get them safely outside, a windowsill will do just fine.  This is my personal favorite, as I am someone who embraces moon cycle rituals (it’s a built-in calendar!) 

  • Or a sun bath: Letting your crystals charge in a window or outside on a sunny day is also a powerful way to reset them! No sunscreen necessary, but avoid this strategy with opal, celestite, amethyst, or turquoise to prevent color fading.

Cleansing and recharging can happen as needed if you notice any of the symptoms I listed above; however, if you’re new to crystals those signs might not be as obvious. While I learn more about crystals, I play it safe and regularly cleanse them on a schedule.   I’ve made a habit of cleansing and charging my stones every full moon with a moon bath, either outside on my deck or in the windowsill if there’s a chance of bad weather  This way it’s easy to remember- I just added it to the end of my Full Moon Rituals (but that’s another post to come).

If you’re having trouble reading the signs your crystal needs a reboot, consider the popular strategy of pairing to build a regular habit (thank you Gretchen Rubin!)  In this, you pair an established routine with something you’d like to do more regularly.  Perhaps when you do your chore of cleaning of the room where your crystals are kept, you make cleansing the crystals a part of that process.  I use this strategy for many things, and it has been a very successful and easy way to establish new habits- great while you’re getting to know your crystal’s’ signs!

There are several other ways that require some research for proceeding, such as burying in dirt, using water, or immersing in sea salt.  Before attempting those, I recommend looking up what composes your crystals on the Crystal Council website, there’s a ton of great resources.  Also, don’t be shy to send a message if you’re not sure what to do! There’s a Live Chat option right on the CC website to ask your questions.

Crystal Work

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