Tarot Explained: The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune, bringer of a twist of fate, is the eleventh card in the series of the major arcana. Themes of this card include destiny, the ebb and flow of fate and the natural cycles of life. Personified, the Wheel of Fortune is the tempting, yet fickle Lady Luck, also known as Lady Fortune.
Symbols & Characteristics
The Wheel of Fortune is associated with the greater benefic, Jupiter. Jupiter rules abundance, generosity, growth, luck, morality and the higher self. Violet, the musical note A# and slippery elm is associated with the Wheel of Fortune. Although this is the eleventh card of the major arcana, it is represented by the number ten, symbolizing ultimate harmony and reward.
An orange wheel centered on the card represents the self as a whole, the wheel of the zodiac and the cycles of life and death. “TAROT” is inscribed on the outermost circumference; within these letters, the following can also be read:
• “ROTA” - wheel in Latin
• “TORA” - the divine law of god; the first five books of the Old Testament of the Hebrew Scriptures
• “ORAT” - abbreviation for “orator”, or an individual which communicates information verbally
• “TAO” - the way or path to follow leading to enlightenment
• “TAR” - an abbreviation for Thoth, the Egyptian deity; a messenger of the gods and advisor to King Osiris
• “ATOR” - an abbreviation for Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of nature
The alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, salt and water are inscribed in the innermost quadrants of the wheel. The spokes dividing the wheel bring momentum, forward motion and unstoppable change. The Sphinx sits atop the wheel, a neutral witness which has mastered the art of reacting versus responding. Below, a bright red Anubis guides those through their dark night of the soul. The bright yellow snake on the left of the card represents one’s ability to shed what no longer serves them.
Four figures rest in the corners of the Wheel of Fortune. Clockwise from top left, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac. Aquarius, represented by the man rests in the top right of the Wheel of Fortune. Scorpio, represented by the eagle, sits in the top right hand corner of the card. Leo, represented by a lion, sits in the bottom right of the card. Taurus, represented by a bull, sits in the bottom left of the card.
Reading The Wheel of Fortune Upright
Major themes of the Wheel of Fortune card include unexpected luck, success, opportunities and advancements; one may also acknowledge this card as a sign of cause and effect. The Wheel of Fortune welcomes the querent to seize the moment and bask in the pleasures of the present. In a reading, this card may ask the querent what previous actions have led to the current state of events.
Reading The Wheel of Fortune Reversed
Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune warns luck is changeable; bad luck, a lack of opportunities, unfortunate events and feeling powerless are major themes. When this card is reversed, it may be highlighting a string of unlucky events.