Introduction: Positive News with the Crystal Council

We at the Crystal Council would like to introduce a new feature to our website. The world can be a chaotic, stressful, and at times depressing place. When one turns on the news, they are bombarded with negative and saddening headlines. There is never any release because positive news does not sell newspapers, magazines, or online subscriptions. It is death and destruction that helps the bottom line.

The Crystal Council was created to help individuals grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally through the use of crystals. It is our desire to try and help people move away from the negative and towards the positive.

Starting next week, we will be introducing our positive news story of the week. We want to emphasize that through all the chaos that you see, there are amazing people doing amazing things every day. These happy stories rarely get brought to your attention, so now we will take on that responsibility. This world is a beautiful place filled with kind and gentle people. It is time we start highlighting those stories and who knows, maybe after reading something positive it will motivate you to go out and make a difference!

If you see something that you want to share with us, please reach out via email at [email protected].

Let’s be the change that we want to see on the nightly news!

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