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Astrology Crystal Work Herbs Charity Full Moon New Moon
In recent years, the awareness surrounding seed oils has grown as more people aim to avoid potentially harmful ingredients in their food. Whether you’re concerned about your health, dietary preference...
The kitchen is where friends and family gather to prepare food and create memories. Accenting the kitchen with crystals can assist with mindful eating, maintaining a wellness goal, supporting di...
The heart chakra, also known as the Anahata chakra, is the bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. Love, compassion, forgiveness, manifesting, and the ability to give as well as receiv...
Plant a magical garden of herbs to eat, use and enjoy in everyday rituals. Growing your own herbs from seed is a wonderful way to work with the energy of the plant; the care and nourishment prov...
Temperance is associated with moderation, self control and finding inner balance. Archangel Michael stands with one foot in water and one on land, fusing the emotional with the material plane; h...
Mindfully decorate the wealth corner of your home, business or office to increase abundance, magnify success and amplify manifesting power. Located in the southeast direction of the home, busine...