Cannabis & Crystals: Learn About Smoking Rituals

A smoking ritual infused with a personal touch is such an experience for yourself as well as any guests you are entertaining. Energetically preparing everything from your environment to your cannabis elevates your session. Create a space that is grounded and pleasant with a few innovative twists!

Protect Your Space:  An Energetic Protection Grid with Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is excellent for protection against foreign energy, absorbing any negativity.  Prepare any Black Tourmaline specimens you will be utilizing for your protection grid by cleansing and charging them.  You can cleanse Black Tourmaline with a smoke bath from ethically-sourced materials, by burying it in your garden or otherwise placing it back in the Earth, by placing it on or near a piece of Selenite, or with your intention.  Observe the energy of the Black Tourmaline prior to being cleansed and note what it feels like in comparison to after it has been cleansed.  Once your healing stones are ready, place them in the corners of the room in which you will be smoking, forming an energetic grid.  Set your intention and observe.

Energetic Hygiene:  Ground Your Smoking Apparatus

Clear all of the residual energy from your favorite bowl or smoking apparatus before you indulge.  Imagine all of the energy that does not support your highest good and the highest good of others at the time of your smoking session grounding out of the smoking apparatus and into Mother Earth.

Another great way to entertain this concept is to imagine you are assisting in the recycling of residual energy from other smoking sessions and individuals you have smoked with; the energy goes back to Mother Earth who absorbs it, refreshes it, and sends it back into rotation.

Once you have grounded your bowl, you are also ready to set an intention for your session.

Intention is Everything:  Own Your Space

As you are indulging in a natural herb which alters your perception, it is vital that you own your space.  Setting an intention privately before you smoke lets your entire being get on board with where you are mentally, emotionally and spiritually going.  

Smile (which releases dopamine and serotonin; hello bio-magic) and set the intention that you are going to relax and maintain sovereignty in your space while you enjoy your fabulous blunt.  You are in charge of your space, even while you are relaxed; owning that is powerful.

If you are with others, an example of an intention for your session would be that it remain light-hearted yet grounded, full of authentic joy and amusement.  Dictating this to yourself creates a focal point for you to come back to, if need be.

Wake and Bake Intention:  May each inhale I take lift open my heart so I can fully embrace this day.

Pre-Meal Intention:  With this herb, I enhance the experience and fully receive all the nutrients from my meal, for my highest good.

Evening Intention:  Thank you for this day; with each exhale, I release what is no longer mine.

Cannabis Storage:  Fresh Frequency

Consider grounding the jar you store your stash in to clear any stagnant energy.  Place a few pieces of selenite cubes in your container to keep the exact energy of the herb fresh and vibrating at a high frequency.  As Selenite is a crystal that enhances communication with the angelic realm, consider setting an intention for a session where you receive information from the Archangels for your highest good.

Amethyst aids in working with the 6th chakra, or the third-eye chakra.  Add a few pieces of Amethyst to your storage to manifest a deeper level of consciousness, opening up your awareness.  This healing crystal also assists in the balancing of the third-eye chakra and receiving clear information

Love can always be added to any ritual you are creating, especially when you are expanding your consciousness.  Pair a heart-shaped piece of Rose Quartz with a piece of Rhodochrosite to focus on heart-chakra healing and promote self-love.  For extra amplification, try adding a cube of Selenite!

A Water Element:  Add Moonwater to a Bong

Moon Water is water that has been charged under the energy of the full moon.

Fill a glass jar or bowl with water and place it under the light of the full moon to charge.

In the morning, seal the water, label it with your intention and place it on your apothecary shelf for future use.

Being selective with the full moon your charge your water by pairing the astrological attributes with your intention is a great way to play with the energy!

Take note of what you notice when you utilize your moon water as opposed to water you have not charged.

Crystal Charged Bong Water

Fill your bong with water charged with a crystal to set the tone!

The porosity, iron content and hardness of a crystal determines if it should be placed in water.

Clear Quartz is a great crystal to charge your bong water with, as it is an amplifier, thus making your intention stronger.

As always, prepare your Clear Quartz crystal by cleansing and charging it before use in your ritual.

Once your crystal is ready for use, place it in a bowl of water you have prepared.

The water is charged when you intuit it is ready; this is akin to how your grandmother’s recipe says a pinch of salt; everyone’s sensory of what is “ready” is slightly different.

Please be kind to your crystals and do not place them directly in your bong.

Always thank your crystals for contributing their energy to your rituals.

Gratitude is always the attitude!

Happy elevating, everyone!

Author’s Note:  While researching how the crystalline structure of water can be altered, I discovered an amazing quote from research scientist Marcel Vogel.

“What we have found in our laboratory is that the energy of mind projected through a crystal will structure water just like it was frozen into ice. The remarkable and unique differentiation is that, that water, when it is structured with mind and with thought, remains fluid but structured, that type of category is called a liquid crystal, a mesophase, a mesomorphic transition.” 

– Marcel Vogel 

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