Tarot Explained: Strength

The Strength card represents courage, power and influence. Confidence, inner strength, bravery and compassion are also themes of the Strength card. The maiden is able to tame the ferocious lion with her hands through gentleness and the aid of the divine. Main character energy is an embodiment of the Strength card.

Symbols & Characteristics

Strength is represented by the fixed fire sign Leo, which is ruled by the sun. Yellow, cayenne and the musical note E are associated with the Strength card. The body parts ruled by the Strength card are the heart and the spinal cord. Eight, the number of power and strength, is associated with this card. The infinity symbol above the maiden’s head resembles an eight resting on its side. The Magician is the only other character in the major arcana to have an infinity symbol above their crown, representing the constant renewal of energy.

Energy and joy radiate from the bright yellow background of the Strength card. This bright yellow is reminiscent of the sun, and representative of the divine. A maiden in a white robe calmly handles the mouth of a lion, who playfully licks her hand. Her face is serene and her hands are gentle while taming the lion. The archetype in this tarot card is motivated by pure love and divine connection, rather than fear; mastery of lower energies and lower chakras allow the maiden to act from a higher sense of knowingness. The lion represents primal instincts, fiery masculinity and the need to be acknowledged with compassion. Above the maiden’s head is a leminscate, or infinity symbol, resembling a serpent devouring its tail; this symbolizes the maiden’s connection to transformation and the continuous cycle of energy. The infinity symbol is also an indication of the interconnectedness and balance. The white robe the signifies the maiden’s innocence and purity. A garland of roses is tied around the maiden’s waist represents a chain of desire. New blooms sprouting from the crown of flowers in the maiden’s hair signify growth, especially through the divine. The lion gazes up at the maiden, lolling his tongue out to lap at her; his tail is between his legs in submission. Fertile, lush greenery surrounds the maiden and the lion.

Reading Strength Upright

The Strength card represents fortitude, power and might, as well as patience, self-control and compassion. A mind-over-matter approach is suggested when this card shows up. Approaching an obstacle from a place of open-heartedness versus using brute force. As a person, Strength may represent a main character energy, including a hero or a leader. Strength is an uplifting card to receive and brings an energy of joy, playfulness and compassion.

Reading Strength Reversed

Cowardice, inability to face one’s fears and lack of willpower characterize Strength reversed. An individual who acts out of rage, impulsivity or other aggressive means to achieve a goal. A leader or hero with ulterior motives, or inability to command ethically and with integrity.

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