Tarot Explained: The Lovers

The Lovers card represents love between two humans, the divine and oneself. This card depicts a bright sun shining over Archangel Raphael, who beams blessings down upon a man and woman. This card also symbolizes harmony and relationships of all kinds, including business relationships.

Symbols & Characteristics

The Lovers is associated with Gemini, the mutable air sign of the zodiac ruled by Mercury. Gemini governs the hands, arms, shoulders, lungs and nervous system. The theme of unity is echoed in the relationship between the twins representing Gemini, and the male and female figures of The Lovers.

Parsley, the color orange and the musical note D are associated with the Lovers. Although the Lovers is the seventh card in the succession of the major arcana, it is represented by the number six. Six is associated with union, harmony, love and beauty.

A bright yellow sun represents the divine shining positivity down upon the scene in the card. At the top of the card, Archangel Raphael, ruler of the air element, gazes down upon two humans. Archangel Raphael wears a purple robe signifying communication, and royalty. The male and female figures in this card are often regarded as Adam and Eve, nude in the Garden of Eden. The female stands on the left side, the receiving side, in front of the Tree of Knowledge. A snake slithers up the Tree of Knowledge, further alluding to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. The male stands on the right side, the acting/giving side, in front of the Tree of Life. Twelve flames signifying the twelve symbols of the zodiac rise from the Tree of Life.

Consider the relationship between Archangel Gabriel, the male and the female as a whole. Archangel Gabriel represents spirit and the superconscious, the female represents intuition and the subconscious and the male represents the rational, conscious mind. This interconnectedness of male energy, female energy and spirit compliments and completes each other.

Reading The Lovers Upright

The Lovers represents attraction, beauty, love, friendship, relationships, and sexual union. This card signifies the representation of the conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind, as well as the union of the masculine and feminine energies fusing with the divine. The Lovers upright symbolizes harmonious decision-making and teamwork.

Reading The Lovers Reversed

The Lovers reversed may indicate that the parties involved are incompatible. This card is associated with temptation, seduction, betrayal and lack of commitment. When reversed, this card may symbolize a bad decision or disappointment regarding love.

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