Tarot Explained: The Empress

The Empress is the embodiment of Mother Nature. Ruled by Venus, she exudes fertility, unconditional love, sensuality, luxury and material abundance. This card represents creation and manifesting with passion.

Symbols & Characteristics

The Empress is associated with the color green and estrogen-rich herb, dong quai. Although the Empress is the fourth card of the major arcana, this card is represented by the number three. Three signifies birth and new beginnings; it is also associated with the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Perpetually pregnant, the Empress is swathed in a flowing robe. A diadem atop her head features twelve six-pointed stars, representing the zodiac. She holds a scepter in her hand, commanding authority; a shield in the shape of a heart rests beside her, pledging protection to children. The Empress’s ever giving nature is represented by rows of lush evergreens in the background; a stream of consciousness flows beside her.

Reading The Empress Upright

The Empress features themes of abundance, feminine power, pregnancy, motherhood and growth. Matters involving the womb, birth canal, gestation and childbirth are related to this card. In a reading the Empress may bring productivity and initiative to the forefront; potentially, this card may indicate creation may come with greater ease during this time. Nurturing one’s maternal instinct would be greatly beneficial when this card appears.

Ruled by the Earth element, this card also highlights one’s appreciation for nature and their enjoyment of the outdoors. Maternal abundance is not limited to children and can be applied to nurturing anything from plants to pets in one’s environment. The Empress also represents pleasure, attraction, sensuality and the enjoyment of sex. Embody the energy of the Empress by focusing on a sensory-rich experience!

Reading The Empress Reversed

The Empress reversed may be an indicator of neglect or a sign to tend to your body and immediate environment. This card also represents stagnancy in creation and a time where fertility is not abundant. In matters of matrimony, family rearing or pregnancy, the Empress reversed indicates a delay.

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