Silver Sheen Obsidian is a variety of Obsidian (Black) that crystallizes in mass formation. The color is caused by gas and iron impurities becoming trapped in liquid magma as the temperature lowers and cools into natural glass. This silver color can be seen in raw pieces, but when polished, a chatoyant bright glow of color encompasses the entire crystal. The main localities are Mexico and the U.S., but can also be found worldwide in smaller quantities at any Obsidian deposit.
Silver Sheen Obsidian enlightens one solar plexus chakra system to harness the divine energy within. This sacred power can direct your focus and love to ideas and activities that are more enticing and fulfilling for your soul. Sometimes a new shift in our energy pattern is required to alter our positions in life and entice our minds with what our body truly wants. The prosperity achieved when accomplishing an interest that is rewarding on a spiritual and soulful level contributes to your happiness and joy unlike anything else. Have no fear when allowing your desires to become a focal point of your everyday life and begin to let dreams work and serve as a reminder that a new reality is within grasp. The least resistance and pressure you hold over yourself allows for the most complete version of you to shine!
Silver Sheen Obsidian also acts as a protection amulet of your aura and assists you in creating safe spaces that you may work within. This is great for anyone starting anything new in their life or finding themselves generally uncomfortable in their day-to-day environment. The basic human quality of feeling secure can have a dramatic effect on your emotional body, as well as the power you can possess and its usage. Try placing a piece of Silver Sheen Obsidian within your workspace or carrying a piece on you as you begin to focus on yourself and the changes you are capable of. As you begin to adjust and find comfort in yourself each day, allow gratitude and love to fulfill yourself and begin to live with grace for who you are.
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