A new home is a right of passage for most of us. It can commemorate a fresh start, a new job, beginning a family, or stepping into a new phase of life. Homes carry with them lots of energy...
Astrology Crystal Work Herbs Charity Full Moon New Moon
Can a crystal hold bad energy?Crystals are powerful healers; in the process of that, they can absorb the emotional states and energies that we are releasing. Signs that a crystal is getting depleted a...
It's hard to jump into the crystal world when there is so much information at hand! We've created this guide to introduce crystals to anyone who may be curious about their energies they gift us with....
Just in time for the upcoming holiday season! Custom rings, necklaces, bracelets, keychains & wands. We're happy to announce that we are taking requests for custom jewelry pieces. These items will...
Did you know that 30% of adults suffer from insomnia? In the United States, 50-70 million people suffer from sleep disorders! We’re a sleep-deprived nation, and it has a lot to do with our environment...
As the year 2020 approaches, there is much excitement over the start of a new year and decade. While we reflect on the past year and how far we’ve come, we also start to wonder about the next year and...
Palo Santo is an excellent tool for cleansing, meditation, and ceremonial use. Practitioners often compare its powers to being superior to that of white sage smoke. Whenever our crystals feel like the...