Dogtooth Calcite

Dogtooth Calcite

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Science & Origin of Dogtooth Calcite

Dogtooth Calcite is a way in which Calcite can crystallize, in a scalenohedral form, or a pyramid and by-pyramid formation. The name comes from the resemblance of a dog tooth, or multiple dog teeth crystallized together. The color is usually yellow or brown, but can be found as white, grey, tan, purple, red, and transparent. Dogtooth Calcite usually occurs on a limestone matrix and can contain a coating of other crystals such as Barite, Fluorite, Quartz, and other Calcites. Calcites can be found all over the world, with some of the best Dogtooth Calcites coming from Mexico, Spain, South Africa, and the USA.

Meaning & Energy

Dogtooth Calcite is a powerful transformation stone that resonates with the solar plexus and sacral chakra system. The energies activate your gut intuition and personal will which can provide one the strength and fortitude to make much needed changes in your daily life. These powerful vibrations can be best felt when meditating with this stone directly over your stomach or vocalizing your intentions into this crystal and placing it in front of you. The manifestation frequencies that Dog Tooth Calcite is capable of channeling into your aura will resonate with your intuitive powers and alter thoughts and actions you are currently exhibiting to make a change that aligns with your soulful purpose.

Dogtooth Calcite

Creativity Boost

We recommend this stone to anyone who is experiencing a lack of creativity such as artists and musicians, as well as anyone seeking a renewed focus on exercise and physical fitness. All forms of creation and movement must first start with an idea or from a position of mental focus, which will then align your body and spirit to physically act and forge new beginnings that will enrich your life. Try carrying this stone with you throughout the day or placing it in your sacred space with you to enhance your creations.

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