Uvarovite Garnet

Uvarovite Garnet

Science & Origin of Uvarovite Garnet

Uvarovite Garnet is a green calcium chromium silicate and a member of the Garnet family. This mineral was first reported in 1832 by Germain Henry Hess and was named after famed Russian statesman, Count Sergery S. Uvarov. It is commonly mistaken for Emerald due to its similar deep green color but has a much different makeup and is most often found in druzy groupings scattered across or within other rocks. It can be found in Russia, England, Poland, India, Australia, South Africa, and USA (Arizona and New Mexico).

Meaning & Energy

Uvarovite Garnet carries the main properties held within all forms of Garnet, but resonates most closely with the heart. All forms of Garnet are perfect allies for bringing thoughts and ideas into reality as they greatly increase willpower. Uvarovite specifically brings manifestations and abundance into physicality through the heart. This mineral is also a very transformative stone that pushes one to constantly change. Your energy becomes easily adaptable and helps one connect to higher vibrations and frequencies.

Uvarovite Garnet

Uvarovite Garnet is a stone that aids in healing from insufficiency of any form. This is especially beneficial for those with a scarcity mindset towards their finances as well as those feeling a lack of love, power, life force, or self-confidence. It covers anything one may feel they are lacking, and those feelings of not being or having enough are swept away with the forceful, yet loving energies of this stone.

Uvarovite Garnet specializes in opening the heart, transforming the energy within it, and filling it with an abundance of love. This allows one to realize that everything they need is within them and that one attracts all that they truly need at any given moment through divine timing. Once one opens their heart to universal love (attuning to “God’s Plan”) they may realize that feelings of lack and scarcity stem from the lower physical desires that take root in the heart. This process brings one into alignment with universal abundance, allowing the Uvarovite to do its highest energy work - empowering the flow of this abundance in one’s life.

Uvarovite Garnet is a stone that encourages individuality while also linking one to the universal nature of the soul. It fills the open wounds of the heart which are held so closely and tend to keep us from our fullest potential. This mends the open wounds back together, leaving but a scar; a mark left upon the completion of healing that serves as a reminder of one’s true inner strength. Uvarovite’s energies bring a combination of peace and strength to the heart, making it a very beneficial stone for attracting love. It greatly enhances spiritual relationships and is also an excellent stone for those who spend a lot of time alone as it helps to remove feelings of loneliness, bringing about states of serenity and contentment in times of solitude.

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