Xinyi Jade

Xinyi Jade

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Science & Origin of Xinyi Jade

Xinyi Jade, also known as Xinye Jade or Xiu Yan Jade, is a calcium magnesium iron hydroxide silicate mineral that crystallizes in mass formation. The chemical composition indicates it is made of Nephrite Jade and Serpentine, but it has been referred to as the “Glory of Ancient Jade” in China’s history. This mineral is believed to have been used by cultures throughout China for centuries, with many carvings displayed in museums made of Xinyi Jade. The color is an earthy green, a little darker than your average serpentine, and contains darker areas with condensed Nephrite Jade. Xinyi Jade comes out of Northeastern China, specifically the Xiuyan area of Anshan in Liaoning Province.

Meaning & Energy

Xinyi Jade is a powerful healing stone for the heart. The strong energies it carries can be felt almost instantly when touched, especially when held to the heart. Its energies flow outwards towards the heart, injecting it with love and balance that can soften any weight one holds within it. Jade itself has a nurturing heart within its energetic makeup that seeks to heal, replenish, and support. Its energies pulse steadily and abundantly throughout the body from the heart, providing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Working with this stone provides a true heart-to-heart connection not only with the stone itself but also with divine love.

Xinyi Jade

Transmutation of Energy

Xinyi Jade is also one of the very few stones that will transmute the negative energies surrounding you and release them into positive vibrations of love and joy that will benefit everyone in your environment. It brings the mind and body into harmony and promotes the stabilization of one’s personality. Jade is a very calming stone that should be carried by anyone who has trouble dealing with situations or simply feels overwhelmed daily. This stone aids in realizing that we are all spiritual beings on the journey of human life, and in turn, helps one in becoming who they truly are in this physical life.

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