Noble Serpentine

Noble Serpentine

Science & Origin of Noble Serpentine

Noble Serpentine, also known as Healerite, is a variety of Serpentine that crystallizes in mass formations. This mineral has a noticeable light green color to it which is caused by a large amount of calcium inclusions, instead of high amounts of iron you would see in other types of serpentine, as well as Dolomite limestone inclusions. The only known locality is the Wild Turkey Mine in eastern Washington, located in the Colville River Basin, not far from the Canadian border. Its name comes from the large amount of turkeys that frequent this area by the owners, Jim and Jennifer Sahli.

Meaning & Energy

Serpentine helps you access your Kundalini Energy which is an ancient Tantra teaching that involves a vibration that sits at the base of your spine. While dormant, this energy is believed to be coiled up, much like a serpent. This inner power is accessed through realms such as deep meditation, the use of Serpentine crystals, and yoga. Once released, an effect known as a Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place. When experiencing this great awakening you may feel more in tune with yourself and notice signs of your inner intuition come to life. This intellectual upgrade tends to lead to an expansion of the mind and attunement to higher realms. To reach these realms one must be willing to open their pineal gland and restore the true confidence of your own mental abilities.

Noble Serpentine
Noble Serpentine
Noble Serpentine

Assisting The Heart

Serpentine minerals have a harmonious connection with your heart center and assist in bringing your truest desires to life. This will help in your ability to love and display compassionate emotions. Serpentine minerals aid in the release of useless emotions that may feel as though they are bound or glued to your being. It will feel extremely difficult to let go of these feelings if you still feel as though you were wronged. Noble Serpentine will act as a dissolvent to release these sticky emotions. Once they have been lifted, the relief will be worth all of the hard work and you can begin the journey to self-love once again.

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