Glauberite is a sodium calcium sulfate mineral that crystallizes in striated, tabular, and prismatic formations. It is often a pseudomorph mineral due to its brittle chemical composition. Glauberite can be found in dry lake beds formed from evaporation, as well as clay and hydrothermal deposits. Some crystals associated with Glauberite that can be found in the same environment include Halite, Anhydrite, Gypsum, and other calcium sulfates. The color of this mineral is usually very pale and dull, with most specimens being grey, brown, yellow, beige, and even colorless. Glauberite can be found all over the world with large deposits in Austria, Germany, Spain, Chile, Australia, China, and the U.S.
The name of Glauberite comes from the German alchemist Johann Rudolf Glauber who discovered decahydrate sodium sulfates in Austrian spring water in 1625. These later became known as Glauber’s Salts and in honor of him, Alexandre Brongniart named this sodium-rich mineral after him in 1808 after its discovery in Toledo, Castile- La Mancha, Spain. Since then, Galuberite has been commercially mined for its sulfate contents and used in a majority of applications throughout the world.
Glauberite is revered for its unique vibrational properties that align with the solar plexus chakra, enhancing personal power and self-confidence. This stone encourages clarity of thought and decision-making, which makes it an excellent companion for those facing complex choices. The mineral's grounding presence also aids in the manifestation of one's intentions into the physical realm, bridging the gap between thought and action. Furthermore, Glauberite is often used in meditation to foster a deep sense of peace and to connect with the higher self, allowing for spiritual growth and inner stability. Manifesting with this stone can help bridge the gap between your mental ideas becoming a physical reality. We recommend using other powerful solar plexus stones in combination with Glauberite such as Garnet, Vanadinite, Sunstone, and Citrine.
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