K2 Jasper

K2 Jasper

Science & Origin of K2 Jasper

K2 Jasper is a combination of Azurite and Granite that crystallizes in mass formation. It is characterized by blue spherical droplets on a white matrix that may also contain small impurities of Malachite. This mineral is chemically identical to the “K2” or “Raindrop Azurite” that comes from the Pakistan side of the K2 mountains. K2 Jasper has only one known locality and it is located in Madagascar.

Meaning & Energy

K2 Jasper opens and unlocks our third eye and crown chakra. This stone helps strengthen the third eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) and assists in the opening of the crown chakra. When our crown becomes open, endless amounts of higher knowledge soon begin to spiral down within us. The third eye connection to the crown is vital at this point and aids in “seeing” what this knowledge truly means. This information is here to serve you on the path to your higher self, and K2 Jasper is the key to accessing this knowledge.

K2 Jasper

We recommend placing a piece of K2 Jasper on your third eye while meditating to help strengthen it during this very communicative process. If you begin to feel comfortable enough and attuned after multiple sessions, The Council recommends placing a very high-frequency stone such as Phenacite, Iceland Spar (Clear Calcite), or a Herkimer Diamond on the top of your head. Doing so will access very high vibrations, energies, and messages from angelic beings. The reinforced connection between the crown and third eye will make the understanding of this knowledge easier.

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