

Science & Origin of Aragonite

Aragonite, also known as Golfball or Sputnik Aragonite, is one of the three calcium carbonate minerals that naturally occurs within mother nature (the other two being Calcite and Vaterite). It's commonly found crystallized in the form of small prismatic crystals, masses, stalactites, and spherical radiating aggregates. Aragonite was first discovered in 1790 by Abraham Gottlob Werner in Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. Since then, Aragonite has been found worldwide, especially in countries such as Mexico, Pakistan, Italy, the U.K., and the United States.

Formation & Colors

The most common Aragonites on the market are the "sputnik" variety from Morocco. They almost always display a golden brown to hue but can also appear colorless. Other common color varieties of Aragonite include white, green, red, violet, yellow, and most recently blue. The Blue Aragonite specimens that have come onto the market over the last few decades are absolutely stunning. They are mostly found in mass or stalactite form and can fetch thousands of dollars. Most, if not all, Blue Aragonite on the market originates from China.

Sea Life

Several marine animals are made of Aragonite! Some everyday examples of Aragonite occurring in the marine ecosphere are mollusk shells, coral skeletons, and cave stalactites. In a rare occurrence, extinct ammonite shells (which are composed of Aragonite) can naturally become iridescent. This unusual mineral creation is referred to as Ammonite and is currently only found in the Rocky Mountains of North America.


Meaning & Energy

Aragonite is one of the most powerful beginner stones a newcomer can get their hands on. Its potent energies help activate and align our entire chakra column to promote inner-balance, mental clarity, and transformation. No matter the color, you can expect Aragonite to boast powerful yet ambiguous energy to overtake one's aura. These vibrations can push one to make a change in their daily life. This push will promote confidence, self-healing, and personal betterment.


Balance is often a word used in ancient texts and martial arts. This attribute comes from the soul and is the basis of our development. To achieve this, one must truly be in touch with themselves while being able to give peaceful offerings to their surroundings. Through peace comes love, from love comes strength, and from strength comes balance.

Chakra Alignment

We may often find ourselves "out of balance" or "off-center", due to our chakras being misaligned. Reiki practitioners specialize in the revitalization and realignment of our chakra system. If you cannot find a reputable one, we recommend meditating with a balancing stone such as Aragonite. Choose your favorite chakra cleansing meditation and place your piece of Aragonite on the chakra most displaced. Relax your entire body and clear any thoughts that may be lingering in your mind. Take this time for yourself and allow your intuition to identify and dissolve wherever the negativity may be housed. Repeatedly doing so will increase your chakra column's strength and help assist in avoiding any future misalignments.

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