Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone

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Science & Origin of Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone is a variety of Moonstone that was recently discovered in Madagascar. It can be seen containing white, grey, brown and tan colors running throughout almost every piece. Black Moonstone is usually shaped and cut into a variety of different meditation tools such as spheres, palm stones, tumbled pieces, pendulums, raw chunks and more! Along with sharing the same compassionate and loving energies of normal Moonstone, Black Moonstone provides complete protection of one’s aura against negative energy.

Numerous times a day we all are faced with negativity, whether it be from a coworker, lover, family or yourself. Black Moonstone is here to provide protective vibrations to keep our emotional body safe and stable so that we are the only influencers of it. So often do we let other people and their toxic emotions affect how we feel. When one gets down on themselves, it's extremely difficult to garner the positive energy within and make a change. Black Moonstone is here to remind you to escape that normal path of emotional distress and push one to look past it. The calming energies of all types of Moonstone will help one maintain a clear head that's able to make rational decisions in times of difficulty.

Black Moonstone

Meaning & Energy

If you are going through a breakup or are having difficulties with someone close to you, we recommend carrying Black Moonstone at all times. When individuals deal with stress from another person that they’ve shared experiences or life with, they subconsciously lower their guard because of the love they have for them. When we see a loved one uncomfortable, it is in our nature as humans to help. This can backfire and leave one susceptible to their toxic energy. Carrying this stone around these people will allow you to continue opening up your heart to them. It will also provide support without the worry of their negativity affecting your own emotional body.

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