

Science & Origin of Larimar

Larimar, also known as Stefilia’s Stone, Atlantis Stone, and Dolphin Stone, is an extremely rare sodium calcium silicate and a member of the Pectolite family. Pectolite can be found all around the world, but only in shades of grey and white. The soft blue color of Larimar is due to the substitution of copper, instead of calcium. This special mineral was able to form in cavities of basalt rock during heavy volcanic activity. As lava was flowing, this steady stream began to pick up any and all minerals in its path and displace them. As the lava moved over cavities and dikes, minerals began to fall in and create the beautiful stone we now call Larimar. This unique mineral only has one locality and can only be found within a half square mile in the Dominican Republic, more specifically, the mountains above Baoruco. It’s commonly referred to as the “Caribbean Stone” due to the heavy presence this stone holds on all surrounding islands as well.

The first attempt to discover Larimar traces back nearly 100 years ago, in November 1916, but was unsuccessful before it even began. The ministry of mining, which is in charge of all expeditions on the island, refused to give permission to a man named Father Miguel Domingo Fuertes Loren, who requested an exploration of a mine containing a very unusual stone. This mineral will continue to go unrecognized until 1974, when Miguel Mendez and Norman Rilling found pieces of Larimar on the beach at the base of the Baoruco mountains. Much debate will then ensue, with a majority of locals believing it was an oddly colored stone that washed up with the ocean. He believed it to be an entirely new stone and chose the name “Larimar” after his daughter who was named Larissa, and “mar” being Spanish for “sea”. After much research and testing, it was declared that this stone came from the mountains above, and washed down towards the ocean. This lead to the formation of the most important Larimar mine still used today, the Los Chupaderos mine. Currently this mine has over 2,000 working vertical shafts and is the only way the world has a connection to this fascinating and unique crystal.


Meaning & Energy

Larimar is a perfect tool for anyone who finds themselves struggling with controlling emotions and communicating how we truly feel within. This stone activates and unlocks our throat chakra and forces one to open themselves up to the loved ones around us and discuss the issues one may be dealing with. This mineral will help keep your mind in a calm state and allow for true emotions from the heart to surface. When one is able to talk through difficulties that they’re facing, one will soon realize there is a solution. Simply letting yourself hear what you have to say will help you better understand yourself and your needs. So often does our mind become foggy or polluted with unnecessary, negative thoughts. When this happens, one will never find a solution to their problems. Larimar is here to show you the inner strength you possess, and the importance to vocalize the issues we hold so close to our hearts. 

Larimar is very good stone for anyone who has experienced trauma in their life, but can not seem to move forward from it. This blue form of Pectolite will cool down one’s emotional body and allow space for one to cope. Trauma refuses to ever leave us unless we decide its time to move forward. One should look at these events in their life as a testament to the strength they truly have within, as well as a learning experience about who they really are. Larimar is your “pocket therapist” and will push one towards resolution, relaxation, and an evolution of oneself. One will experience tremendous growth when using Larimar to communicate the pain from within. We recommend wearing a peace around your neck to have it sit as close to ones throat chakra as possible. This will help in the activation of one's throat chakra, as well as helping one remove any anxiety that settled within their chest.

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