

Science & Origin of Coquimbite

Coquimbite is a hydrated iron aluminum sulfate mineral that crystallizes as granular, prismatic, and massive crystals. The color is usually purple or violet, resembling very high-quality Amethyst, but can also be found as pale yellow or green. It forms as a secondary mineral in oxidized and weathered iron sulfide deposits, specifically in arid regions. This mineral was discovered in 1841 by August Breithaupt and was named after the locality in which it was unearthed, Coquimbo, Chile. Since then, Coquimbite has been found in Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Russia, Peru, Australia, China, Germany, and the USA.

Soft Composition

Coquimbite is very brittle and water-soluble, so it should be kept away from any moisture if possible. Also, we highly recommend you treat it like Amethyst in regards to prolonged exposure to sunlight. The color may begin to fade if left out in direct sunlight, as well as potentially even begin to crack.


Unique Finding

Coquimbite has such a high vibration that can be felt to the touch. We were drawn to this crystal at a gem show and it almost felt as if our energies became synchronized with it. Upon learning a brief history of this stone from the miner himself, we began to hold pieces and put them over a backlight, revealing some of the most purple hues I've ever seen in a crystal. The soothing sensation of this crystal began to imbue our aura, with a calming effect taking place over our thought process. We knew this crystal needed to be shared with the world and loved the effects that can be channeled through this piece created by Mother Earth.

Meaning & Energy

Since this initial introduction, we have learned so much more about Coquimbite. The stone resonates with the higher chakra system but does not fail to imbue the body with love, joy, and patience. The energies can be a perfect match for anyone looking to realign their chakra system and can even produce a reactivation of the heart chakra. Coquimbite is a great meditation amulet for anyone who is recovering from past trauma or currently dealing with PTSD and unstable emotions. The healing process takes time and patience is the highest virtue needed to grow and understand yourself during this period. Try placing your piece of Coquimbite directly over your heart chakra while meditating and allowing the energies to channel directly into your heart.

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