

Science & Origin of Nontronite

Nontronite is an iron aluminum calcium clay mineral that crystallizes in mass formations. This brittle stone can have previously absorbed water within it, which can dry out in sunlight and begin to crack. The crystallizing formation is created from the weathering of Biotite and Basalt in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The color is usually a pale green similar to Green Opal, but it can also be found as yellow and brown. Quartz and Mica crystals can be found within this stone as Nontronite is usually found in mines with other minerals. This crystal was discovered in Nontron, Dordogne, France by P. Berthier in 1827 and was named after the town where it was found. Nontronite can be found throughout the world with large veins and deposits in Brazil, France, New Zealand, Canada, Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, and the USA.

Meaning & Energy

Nontronite is a heart chakra stone that helps with the flow of emotions throughout the body. Difficult emotions will become easier to process when working with this stone, as well as conjuring a better understanding for your current thoughts and feelings. Nontronite can assist you in maintaining a positive mental attitude when your natural ability to maintain joy and create happiness is unable to imbue your physical body. This can be caused by a broken heart, feelings of resentment, depression, anxiety, or lack of self-care. The most important thing you can do when experiencing these negative emotions is to jumpstart the chakra system and remove any blockages that are hindering your ability to emotionally flow freely. When one chakra becomes out of place within the chakra column, your entire spiritual body has trouble operating correctly and regulatory.
Meditating With Nontronite
Meditating with Nontronite and other chakra aligning crystals such as Quartz, Selenite, ShungiteMoldavite@ can increase the speed in which your spiritual body can recenter itself and begin operating on a normal frequency. We suggest placing the


Nontronite directly over your heart and putting the other stones throughout different points of your body and alternating them as you meditate. This will not only allow energy from different stones to heal a variety of chakras, but also allow the vibrations from each crystal to reenter the body and your auric fields at different points to help with replenishment and resolve.

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