Noble Shungite

Noble Shungite

Science & Origin of Noble Shungite

Noble Shungite, also known as Elite or Silver Shungite, is the extremely rare variety of the mineral Shungite. This mineral is unlike any other stone in the world and can only be found in the famous Shungite deposits of Karelia, Russia. All Shungite is carbon-based and contains the naturally occurring molecules called “fullerenes”, which have been confirmed to contain antibacterial microbes. These molecules have been used for hundreds of years to purify water, as well as having been used for royalty in the form of modern “spa treatments”. Noble Shungite is highly recommended for elixir rather than the classic black Shungite ore. Black Shungite tends to have flakes that shed and only contains around 30% carbon, whereas Elite Shungite contains around 98%+ carbon. It is the only known allotropic form of naturally occurring Carbon in the world.

Meaning & Energy

Noble Shungite shares the same energies and properties of classic Shungite, but is more potent and (in our opinion) faster acting. One can feel the purifying effects immediately upon touch, which will drastically alter your attitude and energy levels. It is also one of the most powerful protection stones we know of. It has the ability to ward off any evil entity or vibration one may come in contact with (or through exposure during deep meditation).

Noble Shungite

To learn more about the energies and capabilities that Shungite can offer be sure to check out our Shungite article here!

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