Pagoda Calcite

Pagoda Calcite

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Science & Origin of Pagoda Calcite

Pagoda Calcite is a variety of calcite that crystallizes in a stacked, layered structure. The formation looks similar to Elestial Quartz with multiple crystal faces appearing on most sides. This natural feature resembles the tiers of a Pagoda roof in Asian culture, which is where the name derives from. Pagoda Calcite’s color is usually clear or white but can have an iron oxide layer over the surface or within the stone, adding dark red colors to this crystal. The only known localities of Pagoda Calcite are in China, specifically the Guangxi and Hubei Province.

Meaning & Energy

Pagoda Calcite is a channeling crystal that helps bridge the spiritual and physical worlds together to ground energies from higher dimensions. The goal of this process is to begin to use vibrations in your daily life that resonate at a much stronger energetic level, which will help your spiritual bodies evolve and harmonize on a stronger frequency. This may lead to a renewed focus on ideas and actions that benefit your soul more than your earthly motives. An example of this would be changing occupations and removing the comfort level of your daily routine in search of something more fulfilling and prosperous. Additionally, some habits and activities that you use to keep yourself grounded may not bring the same level of happiness as before you started meditating with Pagoda Calcite. This is normal and is actually encouraged for you to find different types of engagement that benefit your newly imbued spiritual body. As your mind and spirit become more intuned with your higher self and powers, your physical body will soon follow and create a beautiful evolution of change in yourself and environment.

Pagoda Calcite
Pagoda Calcite

Meditating With Pagoda Calcite

If one is seeking additional levels of comfort or protection while meditating with Pagoda Calcite, we recommend carrying Black Tourmaline with you to ease the natural thoughts of unease that you may experience. Through all difficult times and periods of change, trust yourself and the journey that you are on. You will come out of this stronger than you have ever been and most importantly, love yourself for allowing a spiritual evolution to take place!

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