Blue Jay Sapphire is a variety of Sapphire that crystallizes in gemmy formations in a feldspar and biotite mica matrix. The discovery occurred on April 13, 2019, by Herb Hyder near Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. The vein has since been named the Eye of Odin Deposit and has transferred ownership to Chris Robak and his wife Melissa. Together, they have begun manufacturing Blue Jay Sapphire into palmstones, spheres, towers and more shapes for practitioners and collectors to enjoy and love.
Blue Jay Sapphire is an enhancer of insight and an activation stone of mental and psychic abilities. It quickens the mind and allows for one to speak with the voice of their inner wisdom from deep within. This crystal is associated with the planet Saturn, the keeper of order, discipline, limitation, and structure. The powers that can be channeled from Blue Jay Sapphire can help with putting your thoughts into action to create an environment that benefits your soulful purpose.
Blue Jay Sapphire is ideal for bringing forth one’s ideas and providing the mental discipline and focus to turn those dreams into reality. The Blue Rays of this stone activate the third eye and throat chakra and allow them to work in unison to communicate your inner vision into the real world. We recommend using other mental enhancement stones during your meditations such as Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite , and Lazulite.